Activities undertaken by the members are very varied. The activities represent the membres’ hobbies and interests undetaken with others. They include the arts, such as painting, music or design and engineering hobbies such as woodworking, computing,
Actvities such as just sitting, relaxing, talking with mates, reading, or sharing a lunch are equally valued and supported. Members can get involved as they wish in any activity.
The Shedders have undetaken visits to musemums like Bealeiu, and places of interest such as breweries, the Dorset Steam Fair, the Tower of London, and Prague. Typically these are suggested and planned by members and offered to the others to join in. Other trips have been for particualr activities such as sailing on the Norfolk Broads.

The Shedders have undertaken a number of projects for the local community. These have included restoration of the red telephone box in Alverstoke, building of play houses for a local nursery school, new bell tower for local church, and raised planters for a local school.
Local organisations and individuals are welcome to suggest such community projects. Normally these are financed buy the cost of materials and by donations. These projects provide a worthwhile focus for the Shedders’ skills and efforts.